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Beef Cattle Herd Vaccination Program Example:
Beef Cattle
While some vaccination recommendations are very basic and considered beneficial to any cattle herd, each herd is unique in regards to disease risk and history of common problems on the farm. A specific vaccination protocol should be tailored to your cattle in an effort to maximize immunity against relevant diseases and minimize expense and animal stress associated with unnecessary vaccines. Below is an example protocol that may serve as a framework for developing a program specific to your herd.
At Birth: Calf should be up and nursing by 6 hrs of age to ensure adequate intake of colostrum. If feeding colostrum, administer 4 Quarts of high quality colostrum – 2 within first hour of life, total of 4 within first 12 hours of life. Vaccinate with clostridial vaccine at birth if problems with enterotoxemia exist.
Turnout or Branding (approx. 2-3 months of age):
UltraChoice 8 – (blackleg)
Pre-weaning (2 weeks prior to weaning):
Inforce 3 or BoviShield Gold 5 or ViraShield 6
UltraChoice 8
Nuplura PH or OneShot
Post-weaning (2-4 weeks after weaning):
BoviShield Gold 5
UltraChoice 8
Annually (prebreeding or at preg-check):
BoviShield Gold FP5 VL5 HB or Virashield 6 VL5 HB
UltraChoice 8
Deworm /Delice
Annually (2-4 weeks prior to breeding season):
Breeding Soundness Exam and Trich test (if applicable
BoviShield Gold FP5 VL5 HB or Virashield 6 VL5 HB
UltraChoice 8
CCVS can help you implement a vaccination program
that best fits your dairy herd.

Dairy Herd Vaccination Program-Modified Live Virus
Dairy Live Virus
While some vaccination recommendations are very basic and considered beneficial to any cattle herd, each herd is unique in regards to disease risk and history of common problems on the farm. A specific vaccination protocol should be tailored to your cattle in an effort to maximize immunity against relevant diseases and minimize expense and animal stress associated with unnecessary vaccines. Below is an example protocol that may serve as a framework for developing a program specific to your herd.
Replacement Heifers:
At Birth:
4 Quarts of high quality colostrum – 2 within first hour of life, total of 4 within first 12 hours of life.
Vaccinate with Inforce 3 (intranasal IBR/PI3/BRSV) and Alpha 7 or UltraChoice 8 (Clostridial)).
6 weeks:
BoviShield Gold FP5 L5 HB (IBR/BVD/PI3/BRSV/Lepto)
UltraChoice 8
8 weeks: Wean
10 weeks:
Spirovac L5
UltraChoice 8
Inforce 3 (intranasal IBR/PI3/BRSV)
6 months:
BoviShield Gold FP5 L5 HB
UltraChoice 8
Pinkeye Shield XT4
7 months:
BoviShield Gold FP5 L5 HB
UltraChoice 8
Brucellosis OCV
4 weeks Pre-breeding:
BoviShield Gold FP5 L5 HB
UltraChoice 8
8 weeks Pre-calving:
E. coli J5
ScourBos 9
UltraChoice 8
4 weeks Pre-calving:
E. coli J5
ScourBos 4
Lactating Cows:
2-4 weeks post freshening:
BoviShield Gold FP5 L5 HB
E. coli J5
At pregnancy diagnosis:
Spirovac L5 (optional)
Dry Cows:
Far Off (60 days pre-calving or at dry off):
E. coli J5
ScourBos 9
UltraChoice 8
Close Up (30 days pre-calving):
E. coli J5
BoviShield Gold FP5 L5 HB
UltraChoice 8
All Cows/Bulls:
Administer Pinkeye Shield XT4 annually prior to onset of fly season.
Deworm at least twice per year, once 6 weeks prior to green up in spring and once after hard frost in fall.
Use aggressive fly control to prevent pinkeye and to minimize production losses and disease transmission by biting flies.
CCVS can help you implement a vaccination program
that best fits your dairy herd.

Dairy Herd Vaccination Program-Killed Virus
Dairy Killed Virus
While some vaccination recommendations are very basic and considered beneficial to any cattle herd, each herd is unique in regards to disease risk and history of common problems on the farm. A specific vaccination protocol should be tailored to your cattle in an effort to maximize immunity against relevant diseases and minimize expense and animal stress associated with unnecessary vaccines. Below is an example protocol that may serve as a framework for developing a program specific to your herd.
Replacement Heifers:
At Birth:
4 Quarts of high quality colostrum – 2 within first hour of life, total of 4 within first 12 hours of life.
Vaccinate with Inforce 3 (intranasal IBR/PI3/BRSV) and UltraChoice 8 (Clostridial).
6 weeks:
ViraShield 6 L5 HB (IBR/BVD/PI3/BRSV/Lepto)
UltraChoice 8
8 weeks: Wean
10 weeks:
ViraShield 6 L5 HB
UltraChoice 8
6 months:
ViraShield 6 L5 HB
UltraChoice 8
Pinkeye Shield XT4
7 months:
ViraShield 6 L5 HB
UltraChoice 8
Brucellosis OCV
4 weeks Pre-breeding:
ViraShield 6 L5 HB
UltraChoice 8
8 weeks Pre-calving:
E. coli J5
ScourBos 9
UltraChoice 8
4 weeks Pre-calving:
E. coli J5
ScourBos 4
Lactating Cows:
2-4 weeks post freshening:
ViraShield 6 L5 HB
E. coli J5
At pregnancy diagnosis:
ReproStar L5 HB (optional)
Dry Cows:
Far Off (60 days pre-calving or at dry off):
E. coli J5
ScourBos 9
UltraChoice 8
Close Up (30 days pre-calving):
E. coli J5
ViraShield 6 L5 HB
UltraChoice 8
All Cows/Bulls:
Administer Pinkeye Shield XT4 annually prior to onset of fly season.
Deworm at least twice per year, once 6 weeks prior to green up in spring and once after hard frost in fall.
Use aggressive fly control to prevent pinkeye and to minimize production losses and disease transmission by biting flies.
CCVS can help you implement a vaccination program
that best fits your dairy herd.

Equine Vaccination Recommendations
Core Vaccines:
It is recommended that all horses be vaccinated for the following diseases:
Eastern Encephalomyelitis (Sleeping Sickness)
Western Encephalomyelitis (Sleeping Sickness)
West Nile Virus
Risk Based Vaccines:
Horses exposed to other horses at boarding facilities, shows, rodeos, trail rides or other events may benefit from additional protection from contagious upper respiratory diseases. Recommended vaccinations include:
Equine Influenza
Horses living near natural water sources may need vaccination against:
Potomac Horse Fever
Protection against abortion is recommended to vaccinate mares at 3, 5, 7, and 9 months of gestation against:
General Guidelines:
Vaccination should begin at 4-6 months of age in foals followed by a booster vaccination in 3-4 weeks and then annually thereafter.
Let us help you determine what vaccination plan fits best for your individual horse.
CCVS can help you implement a vaccination program
that best fits your individual horse.

Small Ruminant Vaccination Recommendations
Sheep and goats require only minimal vaccination under most circumstances. Vaccination using a clostridium perfringens C&D + tetanus toxoid vaccine or 8-way clostridial vaccine + tetanus (Covexin 8) in kids/lambs and adults is recommended using the following timeline as an example.
6-8 weeks of age: Covexin 8
4 weeks later: Covexin 8
6 months of age: Covexin 8
Annually as adults: Covexin 8
General Guidelines:
Diseases such as pneumonia, abortion and foot rot may necessitate herd specific vaccination protocols. The
above example is sufficient for most herds
CCVS can help you implement a vaccination program
that best fits your small ruminant.
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